Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: psych2go

11 Things You Should Say “NO” To

11 Things You Should Say "NO" To

Ever find it hard to say no to things even when it makes you feel unhappy and impacts your physical or mental wellbeing? It is not uncommon that we experience pressures, from peers, family, friends, or society, for us to conform to their wishes even if it goes against what …

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How To Stop People Pleasing

How To Stop People Pleasing

Do you have “the disease to please”? People pleasing syndrome refers to a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires. Though you may have good intentions, people pleasing is disrespectful to yourself and others because it …

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Have Depression? You can relate to these..

Have Depression? You can relate to these..

Major depression is a form of severe depression where you clinically depressed for 2 weeks or more. Depression and anxiety sometimes go hand in hand. Despite being relatively common, depression is still not a very well understood mental illness. People often mistake depression for sadness and vice versa or think …

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How to Make Better Habits & Get Rid of Old Ones

How to Make Better Habits & Get Rid of Old Ones

Habits have a way of sneaking up on us. They start can start out as momentary slip-up and transform into an established routine. Bad habits may be difficult to break because they become hardwired into our brains, but it’s not impossible. To help you with that, here are a few …

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Introvert’s Survival Guide to Dating

Introvert’s Survival Guide to Dating

In the age of tinder, bumble, and hinge it’s easy to sit behind a screen and swipe, but what happens next? What happens after you find a match and it’s time to go and meet them in person? Today (drumroll please) we are here to give you an introvert’s survival …

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5 Signs That You’re a Night Owl

5 Signs That You're a Night Owl

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Society has always been biased towards early birds. Early birds are often portrayed as go-getters and successful leaders in mainstream media. Night owls, on the other hand, are perceived as lazy and self-indulgent. Despite the countless articles against nocturnal behavior, recent …

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